
🥺💔👼🏻MOM HELP👼🏻💔🥺 every day I see how my daughter suffers❤️🩹 CANCER PROGRESSES AND METASTASES⚠️ RETINOBLASTOMA OF THE EYES👁️🆘🙏🏻. 🥺💔👼🏻MAMO POMÓŻ👼🏻💔🥺 każdego dnia widzę jak cierpi moja córka❤️🩹 RAK POSTĘPUJE I DAJE PRZERZUTY⚠️ SIATKÓWCZAK OKA👁️🆘🙏🏻. 🥺💔👼🏻МАМА ПОМОГИТЕ👼🏻💔🥺 каждый день вижу как страдает моя дочь❤️🩹 РАК ПРОГРЕССИРУЕТ И МЕТАСТАЗЫ⚠️ РЕТИНОБЛАСТОМА ГЛАЗА👁️🆘🙏🏻.


Новости Калерии.❣️ РакWiadomości Kalerii❣️RAK🆘Kaleria News.❣️ Cancer

Semenova KaleriyaSemenova KaleriyaСемёнова Калерия, 2 years old2 lata2 года


🥺💔👼🏻MOM HELP👼🏻💔🥺 every day I see how my daughter suffers❤️🩹 CANCER PROGRESSES AND METASTASES⚠️ RETINOBLASTOMA OF THE EYES👁️🆘🙏🏻. 🥺💔👼🏻MAMO POMÓŻ👼🏻💔🥺 każdego dnia widzę jak cierpi moja córka❤️🩹 RAK POSTĘPUJE I DAJE PRZERZUTY⚠️ SIATKÓWCZAK OKA👁️🆘🙏🏻. 🥺💔👼🏻МАМА ПОМОГИТЕ👼🏻💔🥺 каждый день вижу как страдает моя дочь❤️🩹 РАК ПРОГРЕССИРУЕТ И МЕТАСТАЗЫ⚠️ РЕТИНОБЛАСТОМА ГЛАЗА👁️🆘🙏🏻..

Цель сбора

Jules-Gonin Clinic (Switzerland)Klinika Jules-Gonin (Szwajcaria) Клиника (Jules-Gonin )

445 $
Сумма сбора:
15000 $


Good day everyone️. I am the mother of my beautiful and beloved girl Kaleriya. My girl was born a healthy, smart, inquisitive girl, until cancer appeared in her life😞. 

Initially, I began to notice some changes and the emplacement of her eye, it seemed to be squinting🥺. Then it began to shine in the light like a cat's. Without thinking twice, I made an appointment with an ophthalmologist, where we were given the final conclusion: Retinoblastoma stage 2, group D, and we were sent to another hospital for chemotherapy at the Federal State Budgetary Institution N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia. After hearing and seeing all this, my body seemed to lose its pulse, a cold ran down my back and there was a ringing in my ears. The only thoughts were how this could have happened to my girl. 

In Moscow, we underwent three courses of chemotherapy with the drugs etoposide, carboplatin, vincristine, two inotropic injections with melphalan. Unfortunately, the doctors did not say what and how they would do next, they said that they would try to save life and the organ, but nothing about vision. 

As a mother, I could not accept this and went to the Jules Gonin Hospital in Switzerland. After looking at the scans from the retinal camera, the doctors said that Lerochka has good visual potential and keeping the right tactics, it is possible to preserve her vision. Since December 1, 2023, we have been receiving treatment in Switzerland. During our first examinations at the hospital, Lerochka was given laser treatment. Everything was stable for several months, but in May 2024 there was a relapse. We fought the relapse for 3 months and in August 2024 we finally heard "Health condition is stable". But unfortunately, it did not last long ... During a routine examination in September, Lerochka was again diagnosed with a relapse, and it is more serious than the last time. The relapse itself is small, but within a month it managed to seed the vitreous body. Lerochka was immediately given treatment - two types of thermotherapy (laser) and an injection into the eye with a chemotherapy drug. Previously, we flew for treatment every 4 weeks, but now, due to the latest relapse, they have reduced the intervals between examinations to 2.5 weeks.  

Now the clinic has presented us with an invoice in the amount of 14500$.  


The amount to raise is very large, our family is contributing with all possible efforts. But we will not be able to raise quickly  certain amount. We tearfully ask all kind people to help us save our only daughter. 

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