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About the fund
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About the fund
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Charity fund programs
Program to help low-income families
There are quite a large number of low-income families in society. Many do not have enough money for the bare necessities. Financial support for them is a matter of survival. Our charity fund provides ongoing assistance to low-income families in many areas.
Medical Assistance Program
High quality treatment is ensured by modern equipment - precise devices for diagnostics, operations, laboratory tests. Any doctor cannot do without it. Outdated equipment in medical institutions limits the possibilities in treating patients. This is especially true for oncology.
For the statutory activities of the fund
The activities of the charity fund are regulated by the charter. According to the approved program, the organization develops social projects according to the plan. There are a number of urgent tasks, for example, targeted assistance to those in need. In addition to one-time projects, there are also long-term systemic projects that need to be developed. Regular donations help a lot with this.
Patient Assistance Program
Today, many sick people need help and defend their right to life. Often, in order to save a persons life, to increase the chances of recovery, to overcome a serious illness, complex expensive treatment is necessary. Considerable funds are required, and it is unrealistic to collect on your own. There is a need for financial support from the concerned citizens. For many people, charitable donations are the only hope for life.